Gaming Communities.

Video games have been out for a while now, bringing many people together, playing and finding similar interests to one another. Multiplayer games, such as League of Legends, CS:GO and many among these have built a community within one another and grew bigger and bigger.

League of Legends

Unfortunately, video games have been mostly dominated by the male gender and continues, to this day, to still by lead by men. However in the more recent days, women have started being more and more present in the world of games.

But back then, because men have dominated this area of content, when women were present, a lot of misogyny and sexism would be present. Calling them slurs and insulting them for participating in something they do not “belong” in. Common insults being that women should be in the kitchen, asking them to make them, the men, a sandwich or that they are dishwashers. Unfortunately, this is still present in our current days when playing video games, however, it has become less present as men have progressed in a positive way and non downgrading.

Though most comments to women in game are mean insults, there are also cases where men will “hit” on the girl, making her very uncomfortable and not knowing how to react. Often times, when the girl does not reciprocate, the men will take this personally and “throw” the game, meaning they will purposefully do bad or lose, or switch up and start insulting the girl.

Of course, there are some men who will attempt at “protecting” or “defending” the girl by pointing out the other persons behavior. However when they do, some may portray them as a “sissy”, a “pussy” or a “pick-me”, for attempting to do so, therefore resulting in him also getting made fun of. Sadly, this discourages people to speak up.

A common stereotype being that women are not good a video games, men will often get frustrated when finding out they have a girl on their team, in fear of losing the game. Resulting in them leaving or in just being super negative/rude the whole game. A prime example that can display this type of behavior is a Valorant streamer named JasonR. In march of 2022, he was put in game lobby, to which he had asked a question, where a girl had replied. He then pretended that his game “crashed”. It was a big controversy as he tried to lie about it, but there being multiple instances where this had happened.

One of the few moments where JasonR displayed toxic masculinity.

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