The Wolf of Wall Street (Jordan Belfort)

Jordan Belfort, the main character in the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street,” has had a great effect on how people see masculinity in our society, the film made by Martin Scorsese and released in 2013, shows Belfort as a likeable and successful stockbroker who lives the American dream to its fullest. But he is also a very troubled person who is driven by toxic masculinity, which causes a lot of harm to himself and the people around him. 

Belfort’s character is admired by many men who see him as the perfect example of what it means to be a man. Based on what society thinks, he is ideal; he is rich, powerful, and in control. Jordan Belfort is always ready to take chances and show his dominance in the world of Wall Street. However, this way of showing masculinity is more or less bad because it strengthens the idea that men must be aggressive, emotionally distant, and driven by greed and power to be seen as “real men.” 

The movie’s popularity, especially among men, shows that these harmful ideas are still common in our society, young men who watch the movie might want to be like Jordan Belfort which keeps the cycle of toxic masculinity going. 

In “Masculinity as Homophobia,” Michael Kimmel talks about how the perfect idea of masculinity is seen as the complete opposite of femininity. Belfort’s character is a good example of this idea as he has traits that are usually linked with traditional masculinity while rejecting any qualities that are seen as feminine or non-masculine.

In conclusion, “The Wolf of Wall Street” is a movie that has greatly influenced how society sees stereotypical masculinity, thus giving young men another bad example to follow. It is very important to question these toxic ideas and encourage a more inclusive understanding of masculinity that values emotional intelligence, empathy, and respect for all people no matter what gender they are or who they are.